Starting my own Startup

Starting my own Startup

I have now fully arrived in the startup world and founded the company LinkFive - Smart Subscriptions.

Alexander Thiele ยท โ€“ 1 minute read

I left the Startup Prosperity as CTO in december 2020 and am now starting my own startup ๐ŸŽ‰


LinkFive logo small

The idea has grown over the last few years and has not let me go since then. I always wanted my own startup and thought the time had come.

Malte and I are getting into the subscription business with a new company called LinkFive - Smart Subscriptions.

I am extremely happy about this step, and I will try to share everything we're working on ๐Ÿค“

Moved to Munich

Ah of course! I also moved from Berlin to Munich in December 2020. Munich is a super beautiful city! If you're around, lets connect on LinkedIn!