Starting as CTO at Prosperity

Starting as CTO at Prosperity

Starting as CTO at Prosperity, a FinTech / InsureTech startup to build up a fortune with a new form of modern investment plus retirement…

Alexander Thiele · 1 minute read

I’m excited to announce that I’ll be taking on the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) role for, a FinTech / InsureTech startup to build up a fortune with a new form of modern investment plus retirement provision.

I'm joining the team in Berlin, Germany. In my role, i will create a complete new engineering team in Berlin with focus on the prosperity platform including the apps, websites and backend-services to create the best user experience for our users.

prosperity logo

Why Prosperity?

Planning for retirement is always difficult! Especially if you want to make the decision only once in your life. You will maybe meet an insurance agent who advices you a contract but is this the right way to do it? Does he just sell you something because he wants to make the most profit or does he sell it because it‘s the best product on the market? I don‘t have the answer but i hope everyone is choosing for the best product on the market.

I really believe that the market needs to improve! We can do better and that‘s the reason why i believe in the product and the team of prosperity! We‘re still small but we will grow in the near future and create a product around the user and not the profit.

Berlin is a great city! Drop me a line on twitter @athiele_, linkedin or wherever you find me if you're curious!
